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Local 3429 New Haven Paraprofessionals

Local 345

Local 3450

Local 348

Local 3504

Local 3518-Genesys Health System

Local 3558: Human Development Center

Local 3562

Local 3566, Mercer County Classifieds

New Jersey's communities never rest. Streets need cleaning. Families need care. Students deserve well-run schools, and our neighborhoods demand safety. That’s why people who work in public service never stop. This isn’t just a job. It’s a calling. The work matters because it means something to make a community better.
Local 3599: NYC DEP Upstate Technical Professional Employees

Local 3621

Local 3638 - Southwestern Michigan State Corrections Employees Local Number 3638

Local 371

Local 372, N.Y.C. Board of Education Employees - SHAUN D. FRANCOIS I, President
This is a closed group. Only a group administrator can add you.Local 374 Quasi-Public Employees